Asgardia Parliament consists of up to 150 members that need to be financed to operate and perform their duties. 
In order to help finance this operation, has been put into operation to sell Apparel and other Asgardia related articles.

All sales on StarShop.Space are subject to a proposed 20% brand licensing tax , that will be paid to Asgardia on a quarterly basis. This means that based on the profit margin, Asgardia earns 20% of all profit on all sales through 

This in reality establishes a 20% sales tax on all sales that benefit Asgardia directly and indirectly all Asgardian Citizens and Residents. also allows Asgardia citizens and residents to submit designs for sale and earn an income by agreement on a negotiable basis. holds Asgardia completely blameless for any actions between and it’s clients or suppliers or products supplied.

Asgardia Members of Parliament and Residents that have helped and supported the creation and testing of this shop:

AMP Ariadne Gallardo Figueroa
AMP Paul Lovette
AMP Ugur Aydin
AMP Ben Dell
AMP Helena Aranedia
AMP John Fine
AMP Cheryl Gallagher
AMP Brian Froelke

Resident Ria Dell created, financed and run by : 

Riebens Computers Pty Ltd
46 Eksteen Street
South Africa
starshop @